Friday, July 17, 2015

8 Tips to Find the Perfect Birthday Gift for Anyone

8 Tips to Find the Perfect Birthday Gift for Anyone

Birthdays are meant to be special, so naturally you cannot risk going wrong with the gift. You do know that some of us take birthdays seriously, right? (ahem) Jokes apart, finding the perfect birthday gift can be quite a task. Be it for your bestie or a work colleague, a birthday gift is not another fancy box wrapped in glossy paper. And if you know the person well, then God save you! To make things simpler, we put together some quick tips that will help you find the perfect birthday gift for just about anyone.

Decide on a budget: Affordability is a big deciding factor when it comes to choosing the perfect birthday gift. Therefore, decide on a budget as it will help you narrow down your choices. Having a budget in mind also gives you a fair idea about what all you can hope to buy with the money.

Consider the age: Your best friend is not 18 anymore. She is married, and has a family of her own. So what do you buy her for a birthday gift? Please, not a teddy bear. At the same time, buying a perfume for a 13-year-old girl is also a bad idea. Age plays an important role while picking a birthday gift for anyone. Consider the person’s age when you go scouting for gifts.

Be creative: A perfect birthday gift is one that has the ability to make the receiver happy. Customising a birthday gift is therefore a great idea especially when you are confused about what to get. Also, if the person is close to you, a DIY gift might just be the best option. A handmade greeting card or a hand-painted jewellery box is a creative gift option that is sure to be appreciated.

Learn their interests: The right way to go about looking for a birthday gift for anyone is by considering the personality or the interests of the person. You wouldn’t want to buy make up products for a girl friend who never uses them, right? Most of us make the mistake of picking a gift that we’d like but that just won't work if you too don't have similar tastes.

Be smart: In the quest to find the perfect birthday gift, we usually end up buying something just for the sake of it. One way to deal with this situation is to simply get talking with the person to know what he/she exactly wants. Something that is useful is always better appreciated.

Think unique: A perfect birthday gift has to be something unique. Photo frames, crockery and fashion accessories are passé; go out of your way to pick something that will make the person cherish your gift. P.S. Avoid something that is of everyday use.

Adopt shortcuts: Now what if you don’t know the person properly? Worry not; in such a scenario the ideal birthday gift is money or a voucher. Gift certificates/ vouchers are convenient and easy to redeem. Just make sure that you zero in on a brand or store that will give the person a variety of options to choose from.

Ask Google: Last but not the least, a guide to finding the perfect birthday gift is not complete until you've done a Google search. All you need to do is type what exactly you are looking for and voila…you will be literally overwhelmed by the options.

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