Today is a post that I’ve been brainstorming for a while. It’s for the photographers, and I know we’ll all nod our heads in agreement here when I say the struggle is reeeeeal when it comes to shooting the same things, the same way, again and again.
I for one found myself in a total rut. I would see a pair of rings and automatically know how I should probably photograph them, feeling completely uninspired. Same with the shoes. The flowers. All of it. It just got so mundane and I was seeing the same photographs every where all cross the web. Buy Flowers for Under $35 at FTD. Buy Now!
Something had to give.
So I just decided I would go in with a blank slate to each and every prep space, and reach outside my comfort zone every single time.
So when I walk in, I say my hellos and give tight hugs, and immediately start scouting the room for unique pieces, good lighting and any kind of texture I can get my hands on. Pillows, blankets, veils, florals, photos, you name it – I’m collecting it.
And the stranger the better.
I also started asking my clients to bring something that’s special to their love story along with their wedding day details (jewelry, shoes, perfume, etc) Most of the time this ends up being a photo (which I love), and sometimes it’s a movie ticket stub from their first date, or a photo booth strip from a weekend trip to a nearby fair. This immediately separates their photos from anyone else’s – because we’ve added something that’s 100% authentic to them.
And lately, that’s all I want to be about.
So I wanted to share with all of you 6 different ways you can approach your prep photos to switch things up and look at this part of the day in a different light. I hope they help, and please feel free to share any of your own tips below in the comments!
Often times, as wedding photographers, I think we try to make things look too perfect. Lately, I’ve been letting the pieces/details/shoes/what have you, fall where it may, and finding the beauty in that. The shoes don’t have to be set up side by side in order to be documented well. They also don’t have to be the only thing in the frame. Have fun with scaling and ratios. Drop something on the bed and see how it falls. You may grow to love how organically things are set up for you and you camera.
This has become somewhat of a signature for me during my prep shots, as I ask my clients to bring something that’s unique to their love story. Often times, it’s their favorite photo together – and that’s 100% fine with me. It works so well as a unique backdrop for the bride’s jewelry, and it allows for their prep photos to stand apart from all the rest.
While the veil is a usual go-to for finding texture to shoot your details on, I like to head straight for the bridesmaids dresses (when applicable) since the texture is usually a bit more interesting and different. I generally will only use this method when they’re in neutral tones, as to not take away from the detail(s). if you want to add even more visual stimulation to the photograph, take the florals and align them in the back of your shot (see below for a good example – this is also an example of “letting the pieces fall where they may” – the rings don’t have to be super formal and set up “just so” to be beautiful.)
The window sill, the bed, or even the bride’s feet are all common places for the shoe shots to be found. But I’ve come to love finding odd and unexpected places to house the details. For instance, these shoes on top of the dresser. It’s subtle, but it brings some life to the image, and is a fun way to bring in the vibe of the prep space. The best part about this method as well is that you can get a few shots in just one place. A wide, a tight, and an ariel if you can find yourself a good, sturdy stepping stool ;)
If I’m feeling a little underwhelmed by the backdrops that I have to work with, my brain immediately tries to track down anything with a natural element to it. Firewood in a fireplace, driftwood decor in the home or hotel, or even a house plant. I’ve been known to borrow a piece of greenery from a plant before (don’t worry, I only do it if it’s fake and can be put back, un-damaged, or if the houseplant is shedding leaves!) It adds a touch of softness and organic touch to an otherwise bland, standard photo.
Another way to ensure that your photos are standing apart and unique from all the others is to take advantage of bringing real life into your detail shots. Rather than having a photo of the rings stacked on top of one another, have the bride (or groom) hold the rings in the palm of their hands. This underrated body part is actually one that is commonly found as one of the most comforting and familiar. So utilize them when you can. (it also doesn’t hurt when your bride has amazing henna! ;)
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