Liliesmost commonly mean devotion or purity, though meaning can vary by type of lily, culture, and color.
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- Because of the Greek myth of Hera and Zeus, lilies are associated with rebirth and motherhood.
- In China, lilies are used in weddings because they are tied to 100 years of love. They are also tied to good luck.
- Assyrians and Babylonians associated lilies with the goddess of fertility, Ishtar.
- Christians associated lilies, especially Madonna lilies, with the Virgin Mary.

Lily Symbolism & Colors
Lilies commonly grow in white, yellow, pink, red, and orange.
- White lilies symbolize purity and virtue.
- Pink (stargazer) lilies symbolize prosperity and abundance.
- Red lilies symbolize passion.
- Orange (tiger) lilies symbolize confidence, pride, and wealth.
- Yellow lilies symbolizes thankfulness and desire for enjoyment.
Lily Cultural Significance
William Blake, an influential Romantic poet, wrote a poem entitled “The Lily” that encompasses its sweet and innocent beauty.
The modest Rose puts forth a thorn,
The humble sheet a threat’ning horn:
While the Lily white shall in love delight,
Nor a thorn nor a thread stain her beauty bright.

Lily Facts
- The lily is the 30th anniversary flower, which is fitting because it means devotion.
- Lily is the most popular of all flower names for girls.
- They are extremely toxic to cats.
- Lilies are very fragrant, and are often used in perfumes.
- Lily bulbs should be planted in during the fall, as they require a cold, dormant period. They bloom during the summer.
Lily Uses
Lily roots and bulbs have been used for medicinal purposes. They were boiled into teas to treat stomach disorders, fevers, and assist women in labor. They have also been used topically to treat sores and burns.
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