Friday, August 19, 2016

Flower Care and Handling: DAFFODIL, LILY, TROPICAL


Daffodils are an extremely popular and well-loved flower, but they release a substance harmful to other flowers. Because of this, they are best kept to themselves when used in arrangements. If they are included in a mixed bouquet, separate the daffodils, soak them overnight and then introduce them back into your arrangement.

Average Lifespan:5 days Seasonality:Dec. - Apr.

Colors:Yellow, White.

Shop Daffodils. Save up to 50% off or more on flowers and gifts! Click here


There are three main types of lilies: Asiatic, Oriental and LA Hybrid. Asiatic lilies tend to have smaller blooms, but come in a vast array of colors. Oriental lilies have large blooms, a stronger fragrance and tend to last longer than other varieties. LA hybrid lilies have medium-sized blooms and tend to outlast Asiatic lilies. As blooms unfold, be careful not to touch the pollen on the flowers' anthers because it can stain upholstery and clothing. To prevent this from happening, some people choose to remove the pollen by carefully wiping it off with a tissue, or they clip off and discard the anthers altogether. If pollen does get on fabric, let it dry in the sun then try lifting it with cellophane tape, a cotton swab or a soft cloth. You can also try a household fabric stain remover or dry cleaning. Never wipe it with water as that will set the stain.

Average Lifespan:5-7 days Seasonality:Year-round

Colors:White, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Burgundy and plenty of

bi-colored varieties.


Dramatic but delicate tropical flowers such as birds of paradise and anthurium will last the longest in moderate room temperatures. Many tropical flowers drink in water not only from their stems but also directly through their blooms. Therefore, in addition to keeping them properly hydrated, you should also mist them with cool water, especially upon arrival.

Average Lifespan:7 days Seasonality:Year-round


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